Wednesday, October 10, 2007

woah long blog hiatus


really. long. hiatus.

i've added so many animations, had a new reel out and stuff, and i have the audacity to not update my blog regarding them. (being that this blog that is all about my career and animation.)

first thing first.
congratulations jacko. i found me a new job in singapore. as animator. after a year plus being an all rounder, it is finally time to zone in on one specific trade.

i have yet so so much to learn, so so little is my knowledge in animation, so puny and measly. but my foot is in the door. now i have to exert every bit of my energy and effort to push the door wide open and go further!! (ie: surviving my 3 months probationary period in the new singapore company!!)

heres the thing, right, working on reel and working on real working environment is 2 completely differnt world. i have every time in the world to create a good reel, heck my opening animation took 2 weeks to make. no pressure, just enjoyable experimental trial and error animating process. but working, u don't have time, u are under alot of pressure to produce, and you have datelines!!!! well now i'm venturing into the latter part, a part where i never explore and tried before. commercial animations that i did in office is nothing compare to tv series where you are expected to produce 5-10 seconds a day!!

oh boy. we'll see how i fare.

anyway here's an animation that i did long time ago, that were never posted. officially, its my 2nd lipsync animation after minnie.

and here's another animation with dinosaur, dino character downloaded from highend3d, textured by muah, background by muah also.

and finally link to my showreel, on my official website

or link to download the reel in hi quality format

here's to luck and hard work in singapore.
good bye EL. you've been good to me, and i've grown alot. i'll miss all my colleagues and friends dearly. i had a great time in malaysia. who knows what future will bring. i can only trudge forward and try my best.

jacko wacko