Friday, December 15, 2006

production off today!

w00t! i manage to solve minnie's pixel's problem. currently texturing bugs and insects. but for today, i'm going to comic fiesta in the afternoon and a friend's housewarming party in the evening.

so i guess production's off today!!!

been watching happy feet again for 10th time. >_<

anyway, minnie finalize.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

minnie got dirt!

crappy. my minnie rendered with MR received some ugly dirt on her dress. god help her. i dunno how it got there, it appears differently everytime i rendered again. i posted on for some help, hopefully i can find solution there. :(
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

can u see the offendingly smelly black pixels?


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

minnie got skin!

Finally manage to get the skin shader that i wanted. the look that i wanted and crave for. i searched high and low for tutorials but couldnt find any. i've tried with plain ol' lambert but it looks too plain for muah. so i got pissed and start experimenting alot. with some help from the internet about surface info node. most of the nodes in maya shader has been a complete mystery for me, saved a few. o well. i learnt something today at least.

hah. lame. click to view the proper info. i know i know i still got a LOooOoOoooooOoOooOong way to go. and in terms of skills, i'm probably still a baby. but this little tiny triumph that i feel will propel me forward. afterall this should be funn, not stressful or taxing, no?

i wish time would stop thats all =/


Saturday, December 9, 2006

furry got shaved!

okay i know initially the idea was to have Furry as pure furry creatures but due to my stupidity and my slow computer, i couldnt get furry to look like what i wanted, so i have to settle with this. a little oniony patch on the head that should differ from creature to creature. anyho, i have to move on, been lagging behind, playing too much with googi-hat roboarm.

next is texturing minnie the girl. before that i have to finish modeling the gums and teeth to put inside furry and minnie. i've done a basic model, just gotta mold them again. uh huh huh. got the audio for this creature too, Tammy helped me tremendously with her cute 3-yo voice. but absolutely hard to direct. will be playing with it more when i have time. Now, to Gums and Teeth!!


Wednesday, December 6, 2006

WIP animation for Googi

I did an animation sample!! gonna animate more tonight!! huray! but it has nothing to do with my short but i can't resist!!!


Monday, December 4, 2006

completion of one of zee parts

whoo. finally i rig something! this is the machine that will be on top of the girls head. something rather small actually i dunno why i spend so much time on it.

here's how it look like in mental ray

lecturer helped me with the glow area problem that i face. as a result i learn more about MR today. okay!

so today at home what i'm gonna do ya. oh yeah finish my fur.. so have to watch digital tutor fur tutorial and then we'll see from there. i have yet to finish my background texturing that will take at least couple weeks.

happy happy. today has been worth it!


new pc dilemma

okay updates. no pics today for self.

progress on maya fur, i remap my creature's UV to a much better and thorough one which took me hellish hours to perfect. and i shall experiment with it tomorrow.

and i finished rigging my machine! yee haw! now the problem is texturing my stuff to fit MR. i have no idea what texture to use or what to look for. sigh. gonna look for lotsa tutorials now.
i wonder when i can start animating. and animation seems kinda hard in 3d. hmm. i only did walkcycle b4 and that took me some time. if i cant get a grip of 3d animation i'm pretty much doom cause that is my forte. or so i thought. lets hope i'm not doomed yet mmkay.


Sunday, December 3, 2006

creature baldness

can't get my fur to work right

i'm downloading maya fur kit training from digital tutor. lets hope ppl from can give me some help. my last question about fur as tree went uunanswered. T_T

the one in the green line is the offending one. the UV map seems find to me. i'm not really sure how fur works really. i tried automatic mapping and it looks like royal crap.

oh well. try harder.


Friday, December 1, 2006


okay, minnie's almost done. almost meaning half way more. i have her teeth to model her dress her dis and dat.
and then there's the texturing part. as for the look of the character i'm going for something cartoony or clean. like this from monster samurai from sprite animation:


and it should apply to the background as well.. so i might probably get rid of the tree style. or try my best to merge it. tree style that i used;

which i useed MR to render which also takes me couple hours to render just the bloody single tree. okay maybe 30 minutes

ok now update for minnie. gagaga. i spend such a LOOOONNNNGGG time on her face, and i do mean long tweaking and tweaking altho i already have my design. and the eye! gosh, i sorta tweak some textures i downloaded from the net, tweak and tweak and tweak, erratically tweaking, not sure when to stop or when it's over done. and when i render in Mental ray, i found out that its unusable, due to the intense brightness of the eyeshader. bah! so i reuse the original eyeshader and it turned out pretty well. imagine waasting hours just to find out its useless. oh well. at least i learn something tiny.

the hair at the side is half of the original hair, i just duplicated it incase i screw up the main hair.
and did she grow a tad fatter? gosh. my original sketch wasnt this. is it okay to alter model to fit 3d? cuase i realize my design mustnt be followed stroke by stroke in 3d as it looks really odd at the end. but is her fatness making her cuter? hmm

o well. ok back to work.

ah i feel so stress!
